25 Mar SEASONAL LOAN (Holy week Loan)
Borrow up to 10,000 pesos with a lower interest rate of 1.25% plus NO SERVICE FEE!
1. LIPIEMCO member of at least 6 months;
2. Member with no delinquency on account/s;
3. Capacity based on loanable amount;
To avail, kindly message:
loans@lipiemco.coop or go to our website www.lipiemco.coop
or click this link: https://forms.gle/sprTyXDPY8EroU596
Please prepare the following documents for you to proceed with the application.
1. Valid Id (Front and Back);
2. Latest 1 month pay slip;
3. Bank Acct Name/Acct Number and;
4. Signature;
For more details please call LIPIEMCO Office at (032) 420 0917

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