Products & Services

Continuously designed to match the needs of its member owners

Featured Products

Types of Loan Products

Express Loan

Interest rate: 1% per month (fixed interest)
Service Charge: 1.5%
Max term: 5 months
Eligibility: Capacity Based
Maximum Loanable Amount: Php 20,000.00
Releasing: Within 48 hours.
Regular LIPIEMCO member for 2 months with
a minimum shared capital of Php 2,000.00.
*MOA – Duly Filled-Out Application form and latest 1 month payslip.
*NON MOA – Duly Filled-Out Application form, allowed loanable amount is 90% of paid up shared capital.

Providential Loan

Interest rate: 1.25% per month
Service Fee: 2% for 1 to 2 yrs.
Max term: 24 months
Eligibility: Capacity Based
Minimum Loanable Amount: Php 21,000.00 up
Releasing: Within 48 hours.
MWF for Non-MOA; cut off 2 days prior to the release day
Regular LIPIEMCO member for 3 months with a
minimum shared capital of Php 3,000.00
*Duly Filled-Out Application form and latest 1
month payslip.
*For Non-MOA, allowed loanable amount is 90% of paid up shared capital.

Instant Loan

Interest rate: 1%
Service fee:  PhP 50
Max loanable amount: PhP 5,000
Eligibility: Capacity Based
First loan eligibility: 3,000
Max term: 3 months
Releasing: Same day release for over the counter transactions; Within 24 hours, cut off 12noon
Completed a Pre-Membership Education Seminar (PMES)
*Duly Filled-Out Application form and latest 1 month payslip, proof of billing.
*For Non-MOA, allowed loanable amount is 90% of paid up shared capital.

Short Term Loan

Interest rate: 1 % per month
Service charge: 2 %
Max term: 6 months
Eligibility: Capacity Based
Minimum Loanable Amount: Php 20,000.00
Releasing: Within 48 hours.
MWF for Non-MOA; cut off 2 days prior to the release day
Qualifications: Regular LIPIEMCO member for 3 months with a
minimum shared capital of Php 3,000.00
*Duly Filled-Out Application form and latest 1
month payslip, 2 Co-Makers (LIPIEMCO member).
*For Non-MOA, allowed loanable amount is 90% of paid up shared capital.

Tuition Loan

Interest rate: 1%
Service fee: 1%
Max term: 1 year
Pre School to High School (1 year), College (6 months)
Releasing: Within 48 hours.
Eligibility: Capacity Based
Amount: Dependent on the school billing statement
Qualifications: Regular LIPIEMCO member for 3 months
with a minimum shared capital of Php 3,000.00
*Duly Filled-Out Application form
*latest 1 month pay slip,
*Billing Statement from school and;
*at least 2 co-makers.
For Non-MOA, allowed loanable amount is 90% of paid up shared capital.
Availment Period: May to June and October to November

Personal Asset Aquisition Loan (PAAL)

Interest rate: 1.5 % per month
Service Fee: 2%
Max term: 24 months
10k & below(12mos), 10k above(24mos)
Eligibility: Capacity Based
Releasing: Dependent on item availability
Qualifications: Regular LIPIEMCO member for 2 months
with a minimum shared capital of Php 2,000.00
*Duly Filled-Out Application form and latest 1 month payslip, 2 co-makers if above 20k.
*For Non-MOA, allowed loanable amount is 90% of paid up shared capital.

Seasonal Loan (Holy Week | Holloween | Christmas)

Interest rate: 1.25%
Service fee: 0%
Eligibility: Capacity Based
Max Loanable amount: 10,000.00
Max term: 5 months
Releasing: Within 48 hours.
Qualifications: Regular LIPIEMCO member for 6 months and
non delinquent.
*Duly Filled-Out Application form and latest 1 month payslip.
*For Non-MOA, allowed loanable amount is 90% of paid up shared capital.
Availment Period:
1. HOLY WEEK – one month prior to Holy Week
2. HALLOWEEN – October 01 to November 01
3. CHRISTMAS – November 15 to December 20

Balik Eskwela Loan

Interest rate: 1.25%
Service fee: 1%
Max loanable amount: 20,000
Max term: 1 year
Releasing: Within 48 hours.
Eligibility: Capacity Based
Qualifications: Regular LIPIEMCO member for 6 months and non delinquent.
*Duly Filled-Out Application form.
*Latest 1 month pay slip.
For Non-MOA, post dated checks are required if loan amount is higher that the member’s shared capital.
Availment Period: Month of May only.

Types of Savings Account

Regular Savings Deposit

1. Withdrawable anytime interest rate is higher by 1% than the banks.
2. Minimum of 200 pesos deposit.
3. A balance of 500 pesos above will earn interest.
4. Over the counter deposit or salary deduction.
5. Passbook will be provided to monitor your savings.

Time Deposit

1. Initial deposit is 1,000 pesos.
2. Interest rate ranges from 2% to 6%.
3. Withdrawable for a fixed term of 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and up to 1 year.

Note: If withdrawn before maturity date, the interest rate will be the same to Regular Savings Deposit.

Memorial Plans

Options to Avail

  1. Cash payment directly to LIPIEMCO depending on which mode of payment chosen (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi Annual, Annual or Spot Cash)
  2. Salary deduction (MOA accounts)
    Member pays the first installment in cash to LIPIEMCO plus the one time service charge (1% of the total contract price) then signs a auto deduct form. Succeeding payments will then be through salary deduction.
  3. Providential loan

Please contact the LIPIEMCO office for more details.

Health Insurance

Who can avail?

  • LIPIEMCO members 12 -75 years old
  • Dependents 12-45 years old
    • Dependents that are 45 years old and up will have to be a LIPIEMCO member to avail the rate.

How to avail?

  • Cash payment directly to our  LIPIEMCO cashier
  • Or you can file a loan

NOTE: Full payment is required to enroll. Enrollment will be in batches .